Every one of us has bacteria in their mouth. There are different types of bacteria. Some bacteria produce decay and some produce gum disease. It is very important to get rid of the bacteria in your mouth by daily brushing and flossing. We should brush at least 2 times a day and floss at least once at night. When not doing this, bacteria will accumulate in your mouth causing a film called plaque to deposit on your teeth. When not removed on a daily basis, plaque will make your gums to be red and swollen and bleed easily.
If left too long on the tooth plaque will harden forming a deposit called tartar or calculus.
Plaque which is soft and tartar which is hard are removed professionally by your dentist or dental hygienist.
Left untreated periodontal disease can destroy the gum tissues and the bone surrounding your teeth leading in time to loss of teeth. The loss of bone surrounding your teeth due to gum disease is permanent. Even if you treat the periodontal disease this bone doesn’t come back making it very hard to replace the lost teeth , either with implants or dentures. That is why it is very important to maintain your teeth as long as possible and to see your dentist regularly.
Different patients have different needs. If your mouth is healthy going every 6 month to have the plaque on your teeth professionally removed is probably adequate. Some people need to go more often especially when you start showing the root of the tooth. The root of the tooth is softer and plaque attaches easier and faster making it harder to clean with just a toothbrush. At this point you may need to go every 4 or 3 month to the dentist. Check with your dentist and see what they recommend for you. The dentist and dental hygienist have special tools to clean your teeth so don’t try to do it yourself at home. You will destroy your teeth permanently.
In conclusion practicing good oral hygiene at home every day will make a big difference in the way you look and feel.
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